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Play Audio Button

This script creates a button that will play an audio file from a path or URL on a cameras with two way audio or Chromecast devices. This can be used to create announcements.


For Docker installations, the audio file must be mounted into the container.

class PlayAudioButton extends ScryptedDeviceBase implements OnOff, Settings {
    timeout: any;

    constructor(nativeId: string) {
        // make this device a switch so it can be synced.
        setTimeout(() => {

    async turnOn() {
        const audio = this.getJSON('audio') as string || '';
        this.on = true;

        const ids = this.getJSON('speakers') as string[];
        for (const id of ids) {
            const speaker = systemManager.getDeviceById<MediaPlayer & Intercom & StartStop>(id);

            if (speaker.interfaces.includes(ScryptedInterface.MediaPlayer)) {
                speaker.load(audio, {
                    mimeType: 'audio/mp3',
            else {

                const mo = await mediaManager.createFFmpegMediaObject({
                    inputArguments: [
                        '-analyzeduration', '0',
                        '-i', audio,

        const duration = this.getJSON('duration') as any;
        if (duration !== '0')
            this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.turnOff(), (parseFloat(duration) || 10) * 1000);

    async turnOff() {
        this.on = false;
        const ids = this.getJSON('speakers') as string[];
        for (const id of ids) {
            const speaker = systemManager.getDeviceById<MediaPlayer & Intercom & StartStop>(id);

            if (speaker.interfaces.includes(ScryptedInterface.MediaPlayer)) {
                await speaker.stop();
            else {
                await speaker.stopIntercom();

    async getSettings(): Promise<Setting[]> {
        return [
                title: 'Audio File',
                description: 'The path or URL of the audio to play back.',
                key: 'audio',
                value: this.getJSON('audio') || "",
                title: 'Speakers',
                key: 'speakers',
                value: this.getJSON('speakers') || [],
                type: 'device',
                multiple: true,
                deviceFilter: `interfaces.includes("${ScryptedInterface.Intercom}") || interfaces.includes("${ScryptedInterface.MediaPlayer}")`,
                title: 'Duration',
                key: 'duration',
                value: this.getJSON('duration') || 10,
                type: 'number',
                description: 'Duration in seconds to play the sound on the speaker.',

    async putSetting(key: string, value: SettingValue) {, JSON.stringify(value));
        deviceManager.onDeviceEvent(this.nativeId, ScryptedInterface.Settings, undefined);

    getJSON(key: string): SettingValue {
        try {
            return JSON.parse(;
        } catch (e) {

export default PlayAudioButton;