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Object Detection Benchmark

This script can be used to an Object Detector like Tensorflow-Lite (Coral), CoreML (Mac and Apple Silicon), and OpenVINO (Intel).


The script below runs the benchmark on OpenVINO. Modify the script to run it on a different Object Detection backend(s).

Reference Times

Below are benchark times that can be expected from various servers.

Serveryolov8n 320EfficientDet-Lite0yolov9c 320yolov6n 320
Apple Silicon M1 Ultra5 secondsN/A7 seconds5 seconds
NVIDIA 40907 secondsN/A13 seconds7 seconds
Intel 13500H10 secondsN/A43 seconds11 seconds
2 x Mini PCIe Coral19 seconds?25 secondsN/AN/A
Intel N10025 secondsN/A152 seconds27 seconds
1 x Mini PCIe Coral21 seconds50 seconds21 seconds20 seconds
1 x USB Coral20 seconds89 secondsModel Too Large20 seconds


This script will run 250 iterations of 8 detections at a time (to test concurrency and batching). The test includes the time it takes to upload the input image to the object detection processor.

const os = require('os');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');

const mo = await mediaManager.createMediaObjectFromUrl('');
const image = await mediaManager.convertMediaObject<Image & MediaObject>(mo, 'x-scrypted/x-scrypted-image');
const detectors = [
const simulatedCameras = 4;
const batch = 4;
const batchesPerCamera = 125;

function logProgress(current: number, total: number, startTime: number) {
    const percentage = Math.floor((current / total) * 100);
    const elapsedTime = ( - startTime) / 1000;
    const estimatedTotalTime = (elapsedTime / current) * total;
    const remainingTime = Math.max(0, estimatedTotalTime - elapsedTime);
    console.log(`Progress: ${percentage}% - Est. remaining time: ${remainingTime.toFixed(1)}s`);

function getCPUInfo() {
    try {
        const cpus = os.cpus();
        return cpus[0].model;
    } catch (error) {
        return 'Not found';

function getMemoryInfo() {
    try {
        const totalMem = os.totalmem() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
        const freeMem = os.freemem() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
        return `Total: ${totalMem.toFixed(2)} GB, Free: ${freeMem.toFixed(2)} GB`;
    } catch (error) {
        return 'Not found';

console.log(new Date().toLocaleString());
console.log('CPU Model:', getCPUInfo());
console.log('Memory:', getMemoryInfo());
console.log('OS Release:', os.release() || 'Not found');

let completedDetections = 0;
async function runDetector(d: ObjectDetection) {
    const model = await d.getDetectionModel();
    console.log('Model', model);
    const bytes = Buffer.alloc(model.inputSize[0] * model.inputSize[1] * 3);
    const media = await sdk.mediaManager.createMediaObject(bytes, 'x-scrypted/x-scrypted-image', {
        sourceId: image.sourceId,
        width: model.inputSize[0],
        height: model.inputSize[1],
        ffmpegFormats: true,
        format: null,
        toBuffer: async (options) => bytes,
        toImage: undefined,
        close: () => image.close(),
    const start =;
    let detections = 0;
    const totalDetections = simulatedCameras * batchesPerCamera * batch;

    console.log("Starting benchmark...");

    let lastLog = start;
    const simulateCameraDetections = async () => {
        for (let i = 0; i < batchesPerCamera; i++) {
            await Promise.all([
                d.detectObjects(media, { batch }),
            detections += batch;
            completedDetections += batch;
            const now =;
            if (now - lastLog > 3000) {
                lastLog = now;
                logProgress(detections, totalDetections, start);

    const simulated = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < simulatedCameras; i++) {

    await Promise.all(simulated);

const start =;
let totalDetectors = 0;
let clusterDps: number;
await Promise.allSettled( id => {
    const d = systemManager.getDeviceById<Settings & ObjectDetection & ClusterForkInterface>(id);
    if (!d) {
        console.log(`${id} not found, skipping.`);

    console.log(`\nStarting ${id}`);
    console.log(`${id} Plugin Version:`, || 'Not found');

    async function runClusterWorkerDetector(clusterWorkerName: string, d: ObjectDetection & Settings) {
        try {
            const settings = await d.getSettings();
            for (const setting of settings) {
                console.log(`  ${setting.title}: ${setting.value}`);
        catch (error) {
            console.log('  Unable to retrieve settings');

        await runDetector(d);

        const end =;
        if (!clusterDps)
            clusterDps = completedDetections / ((end - start) / 1000);

        const ms = end - start;
        console.log(`\n${clusterWorkerName ? clusterWorkerName + ' ' : ''}${id} benchmark complete:`);
        console.log(`Total time: ${ms} ms`);
        const detections = batchesPerCamera * simulatedCameras * batch;
        console.log(`Total detections: ${detections}`);
        console.log(`Detection rate: ${(detections / (ms / 1000)).toFixed(2)} detections per second`);

    if (!sdk.clusterManager?.getClusterMode?.()) {
        await runClusterWorkerDetector(undefined, d);
    else {
        const workers = await sdk.clusterManager.getClusterWorkers();
        await Promise.allSettled(Object.values(workers).map(async worker => {
            if (!worker.labels.includes(id))
            try {
                const forked = await d.forkInterface<ObjectDetection & Settings>(ScryptedInterface.ObjectDetection, {
                console.log('Running on cluster worker',;
                await runClusterWorkerDetector(, forked);
            catch (e) {
                console.log(`Error running benchmark for ${id}:`, e);

if (sdk.clusterManager?.getClusterMode?.()) {
    const end =;
    console.log(`\nCluster benchmark complete:`);
    console.log(`Detection rate: ${clusterDps.toFixed(2)} detections per second`);